Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Poker Online - Everything You Need To Know To Get Started!

Poker Online - Everything You Need To Know To Get Started!

Poker includes various card games that are played by at least two people who take turns betting on the value of their hands.

Bandar Poker Online Indonesia

Online poker consists of the same games, played against other players over an internet connection. There are numerous web sites set up in which the players can create accounts and play poker with other players, these sites are typically called online poker rooms.

The most commonly played online poker game at the current time is Texas Hold 'em. The game has a few variations including a no limit version and a pot limit version. The limits apply to the amount players are allowed to wager. Other games are gaining popularity online, including 7 or 5 card stud, Omaha hi, and Omaha low.

Some of the most popular places to play online poker include:



Absolute Poker


Full Tilt

Each of these online poker rooms offer the option to play for fun, with no real money being wagered, and the option to play with real money. You fund your account with the poker room and then can play in tournaments or cash games. If you lose in a real money game, you lose the amount of money you have paid to play in the tournament or the amount of money wagered in a cash game. A good way to try a new poker room is to play for fun first. This allows you to test out the software the site uses, and test your skills. For strategy and tutorial articles, online poker and casino site promotions and the latest news in the industry, visit jacknoir.com. The site is updated daily and is the online poker and gambler's best friend.

Understanding the value of the hands is essential to playing any variation of poker, online or off! Here are the poker hand values, from highest to lowest:

Royal Flush: All of the cards are the same suit, and includes the cards 10, Jack, Queen, King, Ace.

Straight Flush: All cards are the same suit, and are in a sequence (2, 3, 4, 5, 6).

Four of a Kind: Four cards are the same. 

Full house: Three cards that are the same, and two cards with a second rank. (3, 3, 3, 6, 6).

Straight: All cards are in a sequence.

Three of a Kind: Three cards are the same

Two Pair: Two sets of cards that match. (5, 5, 7, 7, anything)

One Pair: Two of the cards match.

High Card: When there are no real hands in poker, the person with the highest ranking card in their hand has the high card and wins that hand. Starts with Ace, moves down the ranks to 2.

If you know how to play poker around the table with a deck of cards and some friends, you will not have difficulty transitioning to the online poker environment. Easy to use options are included with every poker software- allowing users to decide whether to check, fold, call or raise with their hand. If the world of poker is completely new to you, starting online is a great place for you to learn the rules of the game!Article Source:  you want more information on online poker tournaments please visit my website on  Online Poker Tournaments

How to Prevent and Remove the Facebook Poker Virus

How to Prevent and Remove the Facebook Poker Virus

Facebook, along with other social networking sites is facing a wide array of viruses of late. One of them, the Facebook poker virus seems to be infecting computers and the worst part'it's using Facebook's name illegally.

Agen Poker Online Indonesia

<!-- INFOLINKS_OFF --> <!-- INFOLINKS_ON -->According to the online game and poker site, Zynga, some Facebook users are receiving emails, that appear to be from Facebook, telling the user that their password has been reset. Once the email is opened, the virus infects computers, slows browser speeds and re-directs you to multiple pop-ups and websites you never wanted to visit in the first place. Zynga has posted warnings to users of their games that if you have received an email saying 'Facebook Password Reset," you should not open it and contact customer support.


Facebook has also responded with a warning on the poker virus through a post on their security web page warning users that Facebook never automatically resets passwords.
In addition to this poker virus, Facebook users who are fond of the site's Texas Hold'em poker game are losing chips through phishing scams and hackers. It may be hard to regain your Facebook Texas Hold'em chips once they're gone. 

If you find your computer infected from the Zynga/Facebook poker virus, how can you stop the hackers or remove the virus?

Image Credit: Texas Holdem / Wikimedia Commons

While social gamer Johnny Renquist says that if you contact Facebook, you may be able to get your stolen chips back, he suggests a better way is to prevent these hackers from obtaining them in the first place. Here are some tips on how to keep your Facebook poker chips safe:

If you did receive an email that appears to be from Zynga saying 'Facebook Password Reset" in the subject line, don't open it. If it's too late, here are some tips on removing the Facebook poker virus:
With phishers, hacking and scams abundant these days, especially on social networking sites like Facebook and MySpace, it's best to visit the websites' security pages for updates and developments on any hackers or viruses, such as the Koobface virus. Both Facebook and MySpace do post warnings and have support if you're infected with any virus, including the Facebook poker virus, or if you have had Texas Hold'em chips stolen through an account breach.

Online Video Poker Free Tips

Online Video Poker Free Tips

Video poker's a hot game both offline and online. It is also one of the simplest gambling games to learn how to play, which adds up to its pull to the novice players.

Poker Online Indonesia

There are a few things which would shorten the learning curve for someone who wants to take part in the game. The video poker free tips here would better one's odds at winning and would make the game a lot more enjoyable experience.

First and foremost, an individual must take his time. Video poker machines will not rush you. Check the payout table on every hand. Play out one's hand on one's own time.

Do not keep a kicker or an additional card with whichever pair a person may have. A lot of times, a player would have a pair and keep a kicker, usually an ace, and put themselves out of an opportunity to get 3 of a kind.

One should know the play interface of the machine he is playing at the time. A few video poker computers have a 'hold' button whilst others would utilize a 'discard' button. A player must be certain of which button his current machine is making use of so he wouldn't misguidedly throw away the cards he intended to keep. Most video poker machines utilize the 'hold' button; however, take note of it just in case.

Another of the video poker free tips to keep in mind is for one to always make certain that the 'hold' button is visible or is lit for every card one wants to keep before he presses the draw button. A few machines would have the word 'hold' underneath every card when the hold button is pushed, whilst others would have a lit up hold button only. This is another thing to make note of.

If an individual is a novice player, he ought to start with the lowest coin computer he could find available. He must take the time to get a sense of the video poker computer drawing strategy. As soon as he's logged a certain amount of video poker time and got comfortable with the scheme of play, it is time to level up.

Play the max coin allowed on every machine at all times. Payouts are based upon the amount of coins one uses. Utilizing more coins produces bigger payouts, which results to more satisfied players. If a person couldn't afford to play the maximum, he can move to a lower coin computer that he could afford, and play the maximum.

Be well-informed regarding video poker machines. They're a lot like slot machines given that the cards are totally dealt at random, spawned from a cyclic string of numbers until an individual presses a game button. As soon as one presses a button, the cyclic string stops and the cards are shown. So, a person's odds of winning at whichever hand is equal.

Whether one chooses to play at the casino or online, his chances of winning just got higher by arming himself with these video poker free tips.

Are you trying to learn how to play video poker? Get our FREE tips and secrets on how to play video poker and win at video poker by going to QilinPoker.org

Are you trying to learn how to play video poker? Get our FREE tips and secrets on how to play video poker and win at video poker by going to  Source:  you trying to learn how to play video poker?  Get our FREE tips and secrets on how to play video poker and win at video poker by going to QilinPoker.org

The Upside Of Playing Poker Online

The Upside Of Playing Poker Online 

Playing poker can turn out to be a very advantageous game if you know the tricks of the game properly. There are many people who play poker to earn a living. Today, people prefer playing poker online because there are many upsides to it. 

Poker Online Indonesia

To begin with you can play this wonderful card game in the privacy of your own room. So, whether you are wearing pajamas or shorts, there is nobody to look at you. It becomes so convenient to play your favorite game sitting on your comfortable couch. You don't even need to drive up to the casino to play the game. 

A very vital advantage of playing online is that you do not need to pay the dealers, or for the rent or utilities. Also, the online games offer games at low limits. So, the stakes are lower. This is a very big advantage of online poker over casino gambling. You can actually start without investing any money at all and then move up to money play. 

In casino gambling, you have to tip the dealer whenever you win a pot. Again, you also have to pay the rake. But in online gambling you need not pay the rake nor tip the dealer if you win a pot. So, you win more money online as compared to casino gambling. 

Playing in a card-room can be intimidating for a person who is playing for the first time. The very feeling of playing with and in front of pros gives the jitters to many people. With, online poker you need not worry about that. You get to play in your convenient home setting and need to think only about your game. If you feel like, you can chat with the other players. 

With online poker, you can play it anytime you want to during the day or night. There is no hard and fast rule as in live gambling, where you need to be there only during fixed hours of operation of the casino. Also, you save on traveling and the time that you need to wait to play a game. 

A great advantage of playing online is that everyone has to act only when it is their turn. Some one might choose to fold, raise or call as soon as he/she has seen his/her cards, but due to the software, he/she is able to do so only when his/her turn comes, and not before that. 

Playing online you can also keep a tab on the pot odds as they are shown online all the time and you can also maintain notes. Thus, there are many advantages of playing poker online as compared to playing in a live casino.